Arts News (Friday 28 May)

To our Sacred Heart Community

Back to the 80’s Musical

The Back to the 80’s musical journey began back in late 2020 when it was introduced to the students as a cross-campus musical. Auditions went ahead early in 2021 and roles were filled and rehearsals underway. 

This was a busy time for students as rehearsals were every Tuesday during Term 1, Arts weekend and Sundays. This also led way into several holiday rehearsals. 

The band, cast and crew worked hard during rehearsals to bring it all together. The first preview matinee performance was on Monday 3 May with a crowd of Year 8 & 9 students and some family that filled the majority of the auditorium. They enjoyed the show, giving the cast and crew more confidence for the upcoming performances. 

The night performances on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were electric, with the acting on point, the band playing with ease, and the performances elevated by the excitement of the audience.  

Overall the Back to the 80’s Musical was a great experience for all involved, and one the students will treasure. Special thank you to the teachers involved in putting the musical together, as without you, the musical wouldn’t have been able to happen. 

Gaila Morrison & Harvey Otto
Arts Captains 2021

Musical Catch Up

Thanks to the lovely support from Bernadette Cagney, we were able to catch up with the cast, band and teachers involved in the musical to watch the show and celebrate.

Tracey Tapscott made the wonderful themed cupcakes, which were enjoyed by all. Fantastic work by these students to put on such a wonderful show – can’t wait for the next one!

Arts Week @ Champagnat Campus

Adam Page Workshop
Our annual Arts Week kicked off with workshops from esteemed musician Adam Page. Over the day, he workshopped with the Concert Band and Superband in their rehearsals; had an improvisation masterclass with 30 instrumental students; and performed in his innovative style, showcasing beatboxing, looping and his array of instruments to the Year 8s.

Arts Week @ Champagnat Campus

Bollywood Dancing Session
The Year 7’s were treated to a Bollywood Dancing Session, getting the students up and moving and having a ball!

Arts Week @ Champagnat Campus

Lunchtime Concert Performances
Performances were held at lunchtime, with special guest Year 10 class band, along with the Champagnat Boys Rock Band, Girls Rock Band, student-led band, drumline and various singers.

Arts Week @ Champagnat Campus

Photography Competition
We also held a photography competition with the theme ‘Breathe in the Arts’. We had an extraordinary range of quality photos to look at and the winners were Nathan Denton (1st), Kaden Williamson (2nd) and Ethan Mangos (3rd)

Nathan Denton (1st)
Kaden Williamson (2nd)
Ethan Mangos (3rd)

Graffiti in Stage 1 Art

Stage 1 Art Students have been designing and creating some Street Art and Graffiti which they have been painting on the set pieces for the upcoming Senior Drama Production “Hoods” (in Week 8).

Students worked with Old Scholar, Seth Bailey who has experience with spray painting and graffiti. This was a completely new experience for most of the students and they seemed to thoroughly enjoy the vibrance of this new media.

Senior Dance

Our Year 10, 11 and 12 Dance students are working towards their Senior Dance Night which will be held in Week 6 on Thursday evening (Thursday 3 June). The Senior Dancers are presenting their class ensemble pieces as well as their own student choreographies (some of which are Dance films).

Stage 1 & 2 Dance students have also been working with a guest Dance teacher who specialises in the style of street jazz and hip hop. The evening will showcase the dancers in jazz, contemporary and musical theatre.

Senior Drama

Years 11 & 12 Drama students have been working with artist in residence; Andy Packer from Slingsby Theatre Company, to create two dark and thought provoking pieces of theatre. They will be using shadow puppetry and low key lighting to tell two tales of lost children, while reinforcing the underlying theme and importance of ‘hope’.

These two plays will be performed in week 8, and tickets will be available through Try Booking; where the payment for a ticket will be a piece of clothing, blanket or another item of donation to go towards the Vinnies Winter appeal.