The Boarding House at Sacred Heart College provides accommodation and care for girls and boys in Years 7 -12.
Hearts Boarders come to the College from country areas throughout South Australia and regional areas from other States, Territories and overseas.
The boarding community at Sacred Heart College adds great richness and diversity to the life of the school, and provides boarders with a wide range of choices and opportunities that may not be available in rural areas or in smaller country schools.
Since 1998, the College has enrolled both girls and boys in the Boarding Houses, which provide modern, family style facilities for the students. Families value the opportunity to send both their daughters and sons to the same school. Boarding began at Sacred Heart in 1905 and is an important part of the College’s identity and tradition. Many of the Boarders have parents and/or relatives who were educated at Sacred Heart, so there is a strong sense of community and family spirit across the College.
The Sacred Heart College Boarding Community provides a safe and inclusive environment in which Boarders and Staff live and work together in a Marist family environment. As a Marist Boarding Community it is expected that every girl and boy will commit to doing their best academically and take care of one another.
A Home for all Hearts
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