From the Principal (Thursday 1 April)

To our Sacred Heart Community

Holy Week

This week, students, staff and the Brothers at Sacred Heart College participated in liturgies to celebrate the key events of Holy Week; Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Jesus’ death and his resurrection. During the liturgy at Marcellin, the Year 12 student leaders symbolically ‘washed the feet’ of a Year 10 student. As the re-enactment of the Last Supper, where Jesus washed the feet of his disciples occurred, Year 12 leader Maya Thompson read the following passage:

On behalf of all leaders in our College, we reinforce our commitment to be people of service, and we challenge everyone here to be likewise in your own communities, families, friendships groups and classrooms.

At Champagnat, the Year 9 Student Leaders began by re-enacting Palm Sunday with Jesus and the 12 apostles entering the Champagnat Quad welcomed by palm bearers and the sound of trumpets.  This was followed by the re-enactment of the Last Supper and then a commemoration of Good Friday as Jesus exited the quad carrying his cross.  Students were reminded that during the recent period of Lent, we were called by the Project Compassion theme to ‘Be More’ in our own lives and in the lives of others.

Year 9 Rite Journey High Ropes (Wednesday 31 March)

On Wednesday, the Year 9 Rite Journey classes took part in a series of challenges including High Ropes at either Mega Adventure, West Beach or Tree Climb, Adelaide City. Students also participated in a number of communication and team building challenges with their Rite Journey class. 

The Rite Journey is based on the Hero’s Journey, which symbolically began with ‘The Calling’ in Week 7. Yesterday we launched ‘The Challenges’, an element of Rite Journey which will continue throughout the year. This component of TRJ encourages students to think about how they deal with adversity, what they can learn from it and how they respond to either success or failure.

College Uniform Shop Trading Hours – Term 1 Holidays

A reminder the College Uniform Shop will be closed on Tuesday 6 April, Wednesday 7 April & Thursday 8 April and will reopen from Monday 12 April during the Term 1 School Holiday.

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 1.00pm – 6.00pm
  • Wednesday: 8.00am – 4.30pm
  • Saturday: 9.00am – 1.00pm
  • Closed Sunday and Public Holidays.

Further information relating to the College Uniform Shop can be found here.

Entertainment Memberships

Entertainment Memberships are being sold by the College again this year to raise money for our Mission charities.

Entertainment memberships have changed. They are only available electronically now, but this also means you can start your membership any time of the year and still get a full 12 months of savings no matter when you purchase. You can activate your membership by downloading the Entertainment App from the App Store or Google Play.

Memberships start from $69.99. With thousands of offers for discounts on dining, activities, shopping and travel, the memberships soon pay for themselves.

To order, go to:

If you order before April 15, you can receive a bonus $10 or $20 eGift card from your choice of  JB Hi-Fi or Woolworths.

Many thanks for your support of this charity fundraiser!

“Back to the 80’s…The Totally Awesome Musical!” 2021

Tickets to the 2021″Back to the 80’s…The Totally Awesome Musical!” are available to purchase via Trybooking (

If you love 80s music, or remember the hairstyles or brightly coloured fashions, you will love ‘Back to the 80s!’. Get in quick!

Inspired by an article by Sr Christine Schenk CSJ (National Catholic Reporter) and the prevailing public discourse across the nation in regard to respectful relations and women, let’s focus on the ‘Women of Easter’. What does Sr Christine suggest of Jesus’ ministry in regard to his attitude and respectful relations with women? The following is adapted from her article.

Have you noticed that the faithfulness of women both opens and closes the Gospels! The Acts of the Apostles also includes the presence of women: They [the disciples] gathered frequently to pray as a group, together with the women and with Mary the Mother of Jesus….Acts 1:14

The Easter story is retold often with an emphasis on Jesus being ‘abandoned’? Please note – the women stayed!

Was this cultural or courageous? Ancient history tells us that the Romans were ruthless in occupation of invaded nations. Roman justice held no favours for anyone! Women and children were crucified to terrify subjugated peoples. So, I’m calling it ‘courageous’, as was the presence of John with the women.

Luke’s Gospel tells us that Mary of Magdala, Johanna, Susanna “and many others” were members of Jesus’ Galilean entourage and financially supported his mission. Since it was not customary for men to speak to women outside their kinship circles in public, much less travel around the countryside with them, Jesus’ inclusion of women would have been shocking to Greco-Roman and elite Jewish sensibilities.

Jesus welcomed women into his itinerant discipleship to learn about the new “reign of God” alongside their brothers. His prophetic inclusion of married and single women and his special compassion for widows and the landless poor were part and parcel of his fidelity to Israel’s God who, throughout history, upheld the lowly.

Upholding the lowly and criticizing his own religious leadership for their complicity in economic and political oppression ultimately led to Jesus’ execution. 

Holy Week is a sacred time of remembrance.

It is also a time to ask if I will stay with Jesus, embodied in the suffering of God’s marginalized, demeaned people, whether in my own environs or in the wider world.

Mostly, I’d rather take off for the beautiful (and safer) shores of Galilee.

But since my sisters stayed, I’m thinking maybe I will, too.

Wishing you all the Blessings of Easter!

Steve Byrne