Sacred Heart College offers an online Device Portal to enable students across the College to access quality products to assist with their learning.
The SHC Device Portal helps facilitate the purchase of Chromebook devices as well as carry-bag options to complement student education. Purchasing a Chromebook from the portal enables the College ICT team members to support students with Warranty or Accidental Damage Insurance claims. Please allow for the delivery time indicated on the portal when placing your order.
Champagnat Campus (Years 7 – 9)
Champagnat students are required to bring a Chromebook as part of their day-to-day school requirements. The purchase of a Chromebook is the responsibility of parents/caregivers and must be completed using the SHC Device Portal. Please note that Chromebooks cannot be purchased at the College. The SHC Device Portal offers extended on-site warranty and accidental damage insurance options which are highly recommended by the College.
Marcellin Campus (Years 10 – 12)
Marcellin students are required to bring a digital device as part of their day-to-day school requirements. The College recommends that students select a Chromebook from the SHC Device Portal with extended warranty and accidental damage insurance. However, Marcellin students are able to choose a Windows or MacOS laptop if they are competent in its use.
If a Windows or MacOS laptop is chosen by a student at Marcellin, it must:
- Be a currently supported version and be regularly updated with security patches
- Run a current and supported anti-virus software
- Have at least 8Gb RAM and a SSD type disk
- Have a 5GHz WiFi adapter
- Have a battery capable of surviving all day (Chargers are not permitted to be used at the College)
- Allow a trusted root certificate to be installed. Note: This is to enable the College to filter the internet while at the College
- Be in good working order.